06 July 2013

Java script eBook

• Was designed to add interactivity to HTML pages• Is a scripting language (a scripting language is alightweight programming language)• JavaScript code is usually embedded directly intoHTML pages• JavaScript is an interpreted language (means thatscripts execute without preliminary compilation)

java programming cookbook
Peripheral devices are usually external to the computer.* Printers, mice, video
cameras, scanners, data/fax modems, plotters, robots, telephones, light switches,
weather gauges, Palm Computing Platform devices, and many others exist “out
there,” beyond the confines of your desktop or server machine. We need a way to
reach out to them.
The Java Communications API not only gives us that, but cleverly unifies the programming
model for dealing with a range of external devices. It supports both
serial (RS232/434, COM, or tty) and parallel (printer, LPT) ports. We’ll cover this
in more detail later, but briefly, serial ports are used for modems and occasionally
printers, and parallel ports are used for printers and sometimes (in the PC world)
for Zip drives and other peripherals. Before USB (Universal Serial Bus) came
along, it seemed that parallel ports would dominate for such peripherals, as manufacturers
were starting to make video cameras, scanners, and the like. Now, however,
USB has become the main attachment mode for such devices. One can
imagine that future releases of Java Communications might expand the structure
to include USB support (Sun has admitted that this is a possibility) and maybe
other bus-like devices.
This chapter† aims to teach you the principles of controlling these many kinds of
devices in a machine-independent way using the Java Communications API, which

is in package javax.comm.


About this tutorial
Our first tutorial, “Introduction to XML,” discussed the basics of XML and demonstrated its potential to
revolutionize the Web. This tutorial shows you how to use an XML parser and other tools to create,
process, and manipulate XML documents. Best of all, every tool discussed here is freely available at

IBM’s alphaWorks site (www.alphaworks.ibm.com) and other places on the Web.

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